
Agriculture Department

Procedure to apply for licence

Q: Time for making the applications?
Ans: There is no bar for making the applications for the grant of new licence to manufacture pesticides. However, in case of renewal of licence, applications are required to be submit before 31st December (the validity period of licence for the year concerned).

Q: Days for making the applications?
Ans: No specific days and time have been earmarked for obtaining the application in case of grant of new licence. But the applications are required to be obtained before 31st December in case of renewal of licence. However, the applications can be submitted in the office time during any working day of the week.

Q: Check list of the document to be furnished?

Registration certificate from CIB & RC, Faridabad.
Fee for the grant/renewal/addition of new product.
Application in Form III/IV.
NOC/Consents (Air & Water) from Haryana State Pollution Control Board.
List of machinery.
List of laboratory equipment.
Name and affidavit from the person responsible under section 33 of Insecticides Act, 1968 (for manufacturing and marketing separately).
List of protective clothing/first aid/Fire fighting devices.
Detail of medical expert.
Inspection report and recommendation of the inspecting team.
Certificate from the Trade Mark Registry (For Trade Name)
Agreement of manufacturer and marketing agency for endorsement of marketing agency’s name.
Q: How and when the application to be submitted?
Ans: An application in all respect is submitted to this Directorate for grant/renewal of pesticides licence. Which after completing the necessary formalities is disposed off with the issuance of licence to the applicants.

Q: Eligibility criteria, if any?
Ans: Before granting/renewing the licence inspection of the unit is carried out to know the manufacturing infrastructure in the factory premises and whether the applicants qualifies to serve the pesticide licence as per list attached.

Q: Time likely to be taken by the Department in finalizing the matter.
Ans: It takes about one month as per provision of the inspection of factory premises is to be carried out by a team of officers from the field office and is reported to this office. On receipt of the inspection report the matter is disposed off within a week time.

Q: Final authority for disposing off applications?
Ans: Licensing officer-cum-Director Agriculture, Haryana, Panchkula is the final authority for disposing off applications.

Q: Officer(s)/telephone no. to be contacted for enquiry?
Ans: Locust Control and Plant Protection Officer, Haryana, Panchkula. Tel:571544, 571533(Ext.34).

Seeds Transactions
Various forms under the Seeds Transaction regulated under the Seeds Act 1966,The Seeds Rules 1968 and Seeds (Control) Order 1983.

Download Application form for seed production under the seed certification programme
Download form for Application to obtain dealer’s licence (Form ‘A’)
Download form for obtaining Licence to carry on the business of a dealer in seeds (Form ‘B’)
Download Application form for renewal of licence to carry on the business of a dealer in seeds (Form ‘C’)
Download Form ‘D’
Dangerous Machineries
Application Proformas for Licensing under Dangerous Machinery Act.

Download form of application for licence to manufacture, commence or carry on business as a manufacturer of dangerous machines under Dangerous Machines (Regulations) Act,1983
Download form of application for licence to commence or carry on business as dealer in dangerous machines under the Dangerous Machines (Regulation) Act, 1983.
Download form of application for renewal of licence to manufacture, commence or carry on business as manufacturer or dealer of a dangerous machine, under the Dangerous Machines (Regulation) Act,1983.
Download form of declaration to be made by manufacturer/dealer to enable the registration of dangerous machines under the Dangerous Machines (Regulation) Act, 1983.
Download form of register to be maintained under the Dangerous Machines(Regulation) Act, 1983.
Download form to register of monthly stocks to be maintained by the manufacturers/dealers under the Dangerous Machines (Regulation) Act, 1983.
Download form of application by users for registration of a dangerous machine under the Dangerous Machines (Regulation) Act, 1983.
Download form of Certificate to be granted by the Controller, to the users under the Dangerous Machines (Regulation) Act, 1983.
Download form of register to be maintained by the controller under section 19(3) of the Dangerous Machines (Regulation) Act, 1983.
Download form of registration to be made under the first proviso to sub-section (1) of Section 22 of the Dangerous Machines (Regulations) Act, 1983
Download form of register of nominations to be maintained by the Controller under the Dangerous Machines (Regulations) Act, 1983

Grant/Renewal of insecticides manufacturing licence

The licence for manufacture of pesticides is issued under section 13 of Insecticides Act, 1968 and under the provision of Insecticides Rules, 1971. Before the issue of a licence, it is essential that persons desiring to manufacture insecticides should obtain registration of each insecticide from the Central Insecticide Board and Registration Committee, Govt. of India the registration are issued under Section 9 of Insecticides Act, 1968.

Application for the grant or renewal of a licence to manufacture any insecticides are obtained from the desiring person in Form No. III and Form No. IV under the provision of rule 9 and rules 9(1) of the Insecticides Rules,1971 respectively, as the case may be, to the licensing officer and shall be accompanied by a prescribed fee Rs.50/- for every insecticides subject to a maximum fee of Rs.500/-.

A license to manufacture insecticide are issued in Form V under the provision of rule 9(3) of insecticides Rule,1971 for two calendar years.

If an insecticide is proposed to be manufactured at more than one place separate license is issued.

Download application for the grant of licence of manufacture Insecticides.
Download application for renewal of licence to manufacture insecticides.
Download form for Licence to manufacture insecticides.

Grant/Renewal of Licence for manufacturing Sugar/Gur

The applications for the licenses of Gur/Khandsari units are to be furnished by concerned Asstt. Cane Development Officer along with their recommendation, whereas application for Cane Purchasing Agent are to be submitted by the concerned sugar mill every year.

Form of application for grant of renewal of licence to install a Power Crusher/Centrifugal for manufacture of Gur/Khandsari Sugar.

Download form to install Power Crusher for manufacture of Gur
Download form to install Centrifugal for manufacture of Khandsari Sugar
Download form to install Power Crusher for manufacture of Khandsari Sugar
Form of application a license to work as purchasing Agent of a factory or to do any work in connection with any transaction for the purchase of cane within the State of Haryana

Procedure for purchase of Sprinkler Sets

Download form A
Download form B
The farmer who wants to purchase the sprinkler sets, will give in writing to concerned Assistant Soil Conservation Officer, the name of the firm from whom he wants to purchase the sprinkler set. The subsidy on sprinkler set eligible is Rs.10,000/- for S.C./ST and women and Rs.7000/- for other farmers. Also after the installation of set the farmer will make agreement in ‘Form-A’ with concerned Assistant Soil Conservation Officer that he will not sell his sprinkler set for seven years. Assistant Soil Conservation Officer will also take certificate of proper installation certificate of sprinkler set from farmer, copy of orders placed by farmers to concerned firm. As far work of soil conservation is concerned, an agreement is signed between Assistant Soil Conservation Officer and piece worker before start of work. In this agreement name of work, rate, amount, cost of work is mentioned. The masonry works are done by S.C. staff directly on muster rolls by employing labour, skilled and unskilled on D.C. rates and payments are made within the approved estimate of competent authority.

Instructions for Purchase of Sprinkler Sets

Soil Conservation wing of the Department is implementing Water Management Scheme under which subsidy is given to the farmers. The grant of subsidy is governed by Terms and Conditions approved by the Govt.

Q: What is the prime time for installation of Sprinkler sets?
Ans: The prime time for installation is during Rabi Season.

Q: In which type of cases subsidy is granted?
Ans: Subsidy is granted only on loan cases.